8 Zara Shoes You Can Buy Right Now — and Their Designer Doppelgängers

#NewYearNewUs — we get it. Of course, in the second it took to change from 2016 to 2017, we didn’t suddenly shake that magnetic pull that drives us to spend hours upon hours paging through Zara’s website in search of hidden under-$150 treasures. Au contraire — 2017’s arrival vindicated our online shopping addiction, with media outlets such as this one urging us to cleanse and refresh our closets in honor of the changing of the guard, celestial and otherwise. Sorry not sorry. Your wardrobes do deserve a refresh. This year’s shoe trends — pull-on sneakers, pompom-accented and laced-up everything — are pretty killer. As is Zara’s never-ending end-of-year sale. So go ahead, indulge. Or, if Santa or your holiday bonus was especially kind to you this year, splurge on the designer lookalikes of those Zara shoes instead. Then start 2017 a better-dressed person…from the toes up. Click through the slideshow above for 8 on-trend Zara shoes to scoop up right now, plus their designer doppelgängers.

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