Zhivago Interview: “We Have Our Eyes on a Few Celebrities”

Although Lady Gaga was “a dream-come-true moment”, the girls are hoping for even more celebrity advocates in the future. “Our dream was to dress Lady Gaga and we did that in about a year,” says Lara. “Every time we hit one of those marks we keep aiming higher.” Now the girls are hoping for Queen Bey or Rihanna to sport some of their sparkles on-stage, saying that sales skyrocket after a celeb sports one of their designs.

Celebrities aren’t the only ones to thank for the Perth-based brand’s success, though, with the girls believing the brand has evolved because they listen to their customers. “We’re definitely not led just by what we want to design anymore, we’re definitely influenced by what sells and sales,” says Lara.

Photo: Josephine Willcox for theFashionSpot

After showing their second show at MBFWA on Tuesday, and with such a huge celeb following already behind them, the pair are now looking to international fashion shows like New York and London. “We don’t take a deep breath, we’re going straight back into it,” says Lydia.

See all the looks from Zhivago’s Spring 2015 show here.



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