One Minute With … Libertine Designer Johnson Hartig

If you haven’t been to a Libertine show by now, you know your mission. Designer Johnson Hartig knows how to provide a hearty dose of entertainment, and the statement-making clothes to match. We chat with the man behind the brand after his Fall 2015 show. 

theFashionSpot: Inspiration, please!

Johnson Hartig: It’s all over the map: Surrealism, Dadaism, futurism, exuberance, people who are willing to put themselves out there and dress for themselves….

tFS: The coats were a big hit with editors.

JH: Thank you! Last season, we heard we were a little coat heavy, but we thought, ‘f**k it.’ We sell the hell out of them.

tFS: Your shows are so fun. Are you one big party to be around?

JH: I’m actually a little bit of a loner in my life. But if people take the time to come to see the show, I want to make sure they feel better when they left, than we they came in. 

tFS: Do you think the fashion industry takes itself too seriously?

JH: A little, yeah. My clothes are fun, and women love to wear them. They say they never get as many compliments than when they’re wearing Libertine.


