Today, Kate Spade, the woman, celebrates her 52nd birthday and even though Deborah Lloyd has taken over her brand’s design department, the legacy of cheeky, fun and innovative accessories lives on at the house. Below, 17 of our favorite Kate Spade bags in honor of its co-founder’s big day.
kate spade bday
Fall 2012
A carryall fit for the Riddler.
Image: Getty
Spring 2014
We wouldn't mind being single in Paris if it means we'd get to carry this clutch everywhere.
Image: Getty
Fall 2012
Grandpa's old car, transformed into a purse.
Image: Getty
Spring 2013
An apple a day keeps the fashion police away.
Image: Getty
Spring 2013
An onomatopoeia will really make your accessory game pop.
Image: Getty
Fall 2014
A bag we'd love to take out.
Image: Imaxtree
Spring 2015
This is the kind of snail that always wins the race.
Image: Getty
Fall 2013
Portrait of a (very stylish) lady.
Image: Imaxtree
Fall 2012
Just a little light reading for the smart, fashionable girl on the go.
Image: Getty
Fall 2014
A bird in the hand is worth two in a cage.
Image: Imaxtree
Spring 2015
We just want to hop out of the Kate Spade store with this bag in our clutches.
Image: Getty
Fall 2014
Who knew a chubby kitty would make such a cute accessory?
Image: Imaxtree
Spring 2015
When feeling crabby is actually a good thing.
Image: Getty
Spring 2013
The future's so bright, even this bag's gotta wear shades.
Image: Imaxtree
Spring 2013
Now if only this came with a built-in radio...
Image: Imaxtree
Spring 2015
You never know when you'll need an emergency watering can.
Image: Getty
Spring 2014
We'll go from zero to 100 real quick.
Image: Imaxtree