Ah, 2013, we are so pleased to meet you. The start of a new year may seem arbitrary to the naysayers, but to us, it's a chance for a fresh start. As you can probably guess, our list of resolutions for 2013 is about a mile long. Yes, it's got the usual suspects ("workout for real this year," "read a bunch of books") but we also headed to Pinterest to spark our goal-setting for the new year. The never-ending font of inspiration is getting us stoked for 2013: we're planning to get even more creative with our outfits, enjoy better entertainment and use cute pictures of animals to remind us to better our personalities. Pinterest isn't just for pretty pictures and collecting images of aspirational imagery—it's a place to inspire your goals for a new year.
So Pinteresting: New Year's Resolutions, Inspired by Pinterest
Stay Positive
We're going with the philosophy that a positive outlook will bring good things our way for 2013. A cute poster makes remembering our new motto a bit easier.
Get Fancy When We Want
Maybe flower crowns are a bit 2012, but this year, we're totally into getting all fancy whenever we want to—not just waiting around for an event to get all dolled up.
Have Fun with Our Space
Sometimes we need a reminder that out-of-the-ordinary home decor flourishes are totally within our reach.
This is a constant resolution, but that's because working to quench our wanderlust is an ongoing battle.
Eat Well
We imagine that a more common food-related resolution has to do with eating less, but we're resolving to make meals (the good-for-you and the not-amazing-for-you) meaningful, enjoyable and tasty. A year's worth of salads? Not quite.
Make More
Flexing our crafty muscles this year is about as big to us as flexing our actual muscles. We can start with these sweet gadget cases that repurpose NYE bling.
Watch Better TV
A resolution to give up television completely would probably be dashed by the 5th, so we're resolving to watch good TV instead. Less Real Housewives of Wherever, more programs like Downton Abbey.
Of course we have a strictly fashion-related resolution: get a little bit crazy with our dressing habits. Mixing and matching and grabbing things that we like just because we like it. Let this street style look be your inspiration.
Appreciate Art
Culture doesn't begin with Kim Kardashian and end with Rihanna. This year, resolve to take in more art: we love to visit museums and galleries, and are learning that even Pinterest can act as a virtual art destination.
Be Kind
There's nothing like a picture of a hug from a bulldog to remind us to be nice to our fellow creatures.