What makes a perfect Fall season memorable?  The scenic ambiance of Mother Nature?
Is it the adrenaline rush of football season (college or Pro)? Rejuvenating vacations?
What about your best friends’ autumn wedding? Or, the eager preparations for holiday gatherings with the family?
To many, this may be the equivalence of a “perfect fall season,” but to a true fashionista fall seasons are all about F-A-S-H-I-O-N, especially when it comes to your favorite designer’s “IT” bag of the season.
As if women didn’t have enough Louis Vuitton or black bags in their possession, now Mr. Jacobs has introduced the “embossed” bag collection in demure colors, stylish suede and everyday leather, not to mention it’s royal stamp of approval … L O U I S V U I T T O N embossed throughout the bag making the revamped speedy bag one of fall’s “IT” bags of the season.


I don’t know about you, but I “must-have” this bag for myself … Mr. Jacobs, you have done it again!
Photos courtesy of the Fashion Spot forums.

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