Watch out world! The industry’s hottest Super isn’t from Russia or Brazil. She hasn’t been caught with drugs, hurling cell phones, or dating famous movie stars. In fact, the only date this girl sees involves Gymboree and a diaper bag.

It’s no secret that the French are more lax when it comes to nudity, sexuality, and the line between adolescence and adulthood, but even some French have taken issue with 10-year-old French model Thylane Lena-Rose Blondeau‘s recent slew of risque photos. The controversy began to gain steam back in late 2010 when rumors swirled that Vogue Paris editor Carine Roitfeld had not left the glossy by choice, but rather that she was asked to leave because, among other things, LVMH Chairman and CEO Bernard Arnauld thought that the 15-page December 2010 spread of young girls playing dress-up was in “poor taste.” Since then, a slew of media outlets have picked up on the envelope-pushing images of the young Blondeau, creating veritable outrage even though most of the images in question were taken months ago. In response, the young girl’s mother has taken down her daughter’s Facebook group page and issued a statement.

Blondeau isn’t the only young model to be generating controversy however. Most recently, Urban Outfitters was hit with a $28 million lawsuit by the parents of a 15-year-old model who was photographed on a motorcycle with her legs spread open. Then of course there’s this line of lingerie meant for young girls.

The ethics surrounding these sorts of images are clearly making for some heated debates, which are only gaining steam. What is your take?