We love the show The Bachelor and its leading man Sam Wood, but we can’t help but think Channel 10 was just trying to fill some time before the real deal, The Bachelorette with Sam Frost, was ready to go to air.
Check out the 7 reasons why we think roses really smelled like poo-oo-oo-oo on The Bachelor Season 3.
1. The shoddy dates

Photo: The Bachelor
The dates were incredibly low-budget compared to Tim Robards and Blake Garvey’s seasons, with Sam’s girls getting treated to ice cream trucks and tea parties instead. At least his chances of staying with the chosen one is higher because their expectations will be so low.
2. The Intruders

Photo courtesy of The Bachelor
Why are there intruders on a dating show? This isn’t Big Brother, you guys. People are looking for love, not drama, and Tim’s season did perfectly fine without a new batch of girls coming in to test the existing relationships. Why not just put them in there from the beginning?
3. The lack of credibility
Wonderwoman shoot. #wonderwoman #classicmaltman #DC #Comicbook #myhero always wanted to be her.
A photo posted by Heather Maltman (@heather_maltman) on
The country pretty much screamed “It’s all a lie!” when they found out contestant Bec had already partied with Sam in Bali just several months earlier and rumours circled about Heather being a paid actor.
How can we trust what the producers are showing us if there’s a possibility they’ve been tricking us from the start? Let’s be honest, keeping Sandra around for so long also just made us question life in general.
4. No overnight dates

Photo: The Bachelor
The final three is meant to mean overnight dates (on the US versions and Tim’s season at least), but Sam didn’t even get to ask the question. We’re not suggesting that he needs to get intimate to make his life-changing decision, but a little alone time wouldn’t hurt in case his potential wife brings down some walls off-camera.
5. No bitchy reunion

Photo: The Bachelor
For the past two seasons we’ve had a “Women Tell All”, where booted contestants all meet up and bitch about their time in The Bachelor mansion, but we’re guessing Channel 10 just didn’t have the episodes to spare if they wanted to get The Bachelorette on air.
With the new show starting next week, we’re guessing there’s not going to be any akward “After the Final Rose” either. Thank god for The Project.
6. No overseas adventure

Photo: The Bachelor
Tim took Anna and Rochelle to Thailand and Blake took Lisa, Louise and Sam to South Africa, but Sam took his final three to Sydney, and final two to the Blue Mountains. “Hey Lana, check out your backyard. Isn’t it beautiful?” YAWN.
7. We saw nothing

Photo: Tenplay
We got totally ripped off in the viewing experience, right from the very beginning.
Sam’s first-ever date for the show with Sarah, for example, showed approximately 1.5 minutes of wind blowing through their hair and discussions about each other’s eyes, when we’re fully aware that the date went for way longer than that.
How did she come back to the mansion with a rose and we not even see him giving it to her? Princess Emily also shared with the world that all of the “pashing” from her date with Sam was cut out, and we’ve got no reason not to believe her.

Photo: Tenplay
I guess we can just be happy that, as far as we know, there’s no history repeating itself a la Blake’s Season 2 saga. Congrats Sam and Snezana!