Change isn’t always for the better and the adjustments over at Vanity Fair haven’t exactly been well-received on our forums. The publication’s newly installed EIC, Radhika Jones, got mixed reviews for her first issue starring Jennifer Lawrence in March and her follow-up with Lena Waithe was largely forgettable. The newest issue for May 2018 is getting a lot of attention, though — but for all the wrong reasons. Jumping on the bandwagon and media frenzy that is the upcoming British Royal Wedding, Jones gives up Vanity Fair‘s latest to none other than Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (who covered the magazine solo back in October).

Much to the dismay of our forum members, the cover photo isn’t exactly original. “Is this a paparazzi shot? Are we really doing this?” asked a dumbfounded dodencebt the second the cover came to light.
“Whoa, this is awful and not even well done! Hello magazine has better pap covers than this!” Miss Dalloway declared.
“Oh that’s low. A pap shot on the cover of VF, and not even a bloody good one at that! Tragic,” added forum member honeycombchild.
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Also not exactly giving the magazine her seal of approval was lewak: “A new Condé Nast low. They are destroying this magazine very quickly!”
Sharing the same sentiments was Fiercification: “Oh Lord… someone please get Anna [Wintour] the hell out of her ‘creative director’ role at Condé Nast, she doesn’t know what the f*ck she’s doing!! The cover lines and font makes this look like something you’d see tucked into the wall on the Eurostar, awful!”
“If this was a special, supplemental issue for Harry and Meghan’s wedding (which is what this looks like with the Love & Royals text) then fine. But having it usurp an entire, regular issue? Next please,” slammed Lucien112.
“This is really awful, not even a good photo of them,” SallyAlbright chimed in.
HodanChloe described the cover as “embarrassing” and we couldn’t agree more.
Are you impressed? Await the contents of the issue and join our debate here.