‘Suicide Squad’ Stars Margot Robbie and Cara Delevingne Cover Love Magazine’s Fall 2016 Issue (Forum Buzz)


Margot Robbie by @willyvanderperre and @kegrand interview by @caradelevingne #love16

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But the members of our forums most definitely weren’t in the mood for an 80s revival. “Reminds me of Boy George!” stated congacon, after glancing at Margot’s alternative.

“Oh my god, enough of Margot Robbie already!” screamed Scotty, remembering her recent Vanity Fair cover appearance.

“Reading the thread title I got excited, but I’m not too crazy about the lighting and styling,” shared an underwhelmed Nepenthes.

“PR diarrhea!” Pricciao declared with gazebo crying out, “Overexposure!”

Narcyza wasn’t much of an admirer either. “I don’t like this makeup. She looks much better with a classy red lip,” she said in frustration.

Also unimpressed was tigerrogue: “Love seems obsessed with pin-up girls, as seen through the eyes of a child. It’s like someone who’s dreaming of the day when they’ll grow boobs, but is still drawing rainbows on their schoolbooks and covering everything with glitter.”

“I thought Margot’s cover was bad, but the lighting on Cara’s one is even worse. Who would be interested in these shots?” asked a horrified Benn98.

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