Members of our forums kicked off a debate immediately. “This is horrible in so many ways,” declared HandbagQueen.
“It’s honestly terrbile!” echoed a horrified TREVOFASHIONISTO.
Not everyone was in the same mindset, however. “I like it. They’re clearly making fun at the way women are usually asked to pose,” noted bun-bun, sharing a different attitude toward the cover.
In agreement was Luxx: “This is a send up of all the annoying pin-up photos that we’re given on almost every single men’s magazine cover, it is meant to be a parody – whether or not it works is up to the viewer but I love that they’re mocking this style of photography.”
KateTheGreatest disagreed, firing back, “She looks like she’s smelling her armpit. I don’t care if it’s parody or not, it’s just bad.”
“I really like Amy Schumer and her show, but I can’t take this seriously. It’s like a parody gone wrong,” said dodencebt.
“Adore her and can’t wait to get this,” enthused ThatGuyPaul.

Do you love or loathe Amy’s Vanity Fair cover? Add your own two cents here.