“When I think about Roberto Cavalli, the words ‘sex appeal’ come to mind. Why choose Edie who has zero sex appeal? Wow…just sad to see this brand in a lost stage!!” exclaimed a horrified congacon straight away.
Also in a state of shock over the casting was DutchHomme: “How this boring model with a bland face and without facial expressions is scoring so many covers and campaigns…is just unbelievable. Good for her but I don’t get it. ZERO life in her eyes, no energy. She always looks like she needs a good nap.”
“Why her???? What a mess. Everything is bad, from the model to the clothes. Dundas is being such a disaster for the brand. Very disappointing. That’s not what I was expecting,” thatsfierce chimed in.
Forum member lelaid agreed, echoing, “What a mess. I get that Dundas is trying something new but this just isn’t working on any level.”
Sharing a similar sentiment was justaguy, stating, “Huge Edie fan, but this is a complete mismatch with the Cavalli brand. There’s no life in this shot, whatsoever. I do like what Inez and Vinoodh have attempted here, but just doesn’t work.”

Oh, dear. Better luck next time? See more of the campaign and voice your own opinion here.