Linda Evangelista Stars in Moschino’s Kitschy New Fragrance Campaign (Forum Buzz)


The campaign image had our attention immediately. “I like this. Jeremy’s Moschino is the ultimate punchline gimmick for the kids anyways. Having a Windex bottle as a perfume bottle is actually ingenious in that sense. They’ll love it, pulling this out of their McMoschino bag for lolz. Linda as the cleaning lady is priceless,” raved Phuel.

“I appreciate it’s something different from the usual formula for perfume ads, typically featuring romantic flowers and rumpled bedsheets,” tigerrogue said in appreciation.

Kokobombon was quick to add, “Plastic Fantastic! Is that the actual bottle? You’d spray perfume like that? I’m so buying this, kitsch galore!”

Also showing great enthusiasm toward the image was Spike413: “This is so, so fun. The idea for the bottle reminds me, very slightly, of when Diesel housed their fragrances in weed killer spray bottles. Equally clever and silly.”

“I love it! The bottle is cute and Linda looks great. I’m curious to smell it now,” confessed GivenchyHomme.

Be sure to take a sniff once Fresh Couture hits shelves worldwide November 1 and in the meantime, drop us a comment here.


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