Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, who tied the knot in 2018, kicked off December with a rare but glamorous date night in New York City, wearing matching all-black outfits. As it turns out, the two celebrated their 6th wedding anniversary on the first of the month and nailed the twinning fashion moment. Photos from the night show Chopra in an LBD, which consisted of unique crochet detailing, with a pair of really cool boots. Meanwhile, Jonas wore a classic ensemble comprising pants, a T-shirt, and a matching jacket that he paired with similar boots. For the night, the couple also stepped away from their parenting duties to enjoy the date.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas wear matching all-lack outfits in new photos
Wearing similar outfits, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas enjoyed a charming anniversary date night on December 1. Photographs of the occasion show the couple strutting on the streets of New York City wearing matching monochromatic ensembles.
On one side, Chopra wore a mini-dress that comprised a unique crochet pattern close to the thigh, with some knots dangling far beyond her knees. She topped off the look with an oversized leather jacket to beat the city’s chill weather. In addition, the actor sported a pair of lace-up boots with a baggy shaft to elevate the attire into an even more alluring look. She also carried a handbag that had a golden handle. On the other hand, Jonas donned a somewhat basic outfit. He paired a pair of black pants with a T-shirt, a simple-looking jacket, and the classic Dr. Martens boots.
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ date night comes after a cheerful Thanksgiving 2024 with their daughter, Malti Marie, whom they welcomed in 2022 via surrogacy. The 42-year-old Bollywood icon recapped their holiday celebration in a carousel of photos with a heartfelt message on Instagram. In the caption, she expressed gratitude “for the life we’re building together” and shared snippets of the season’s treats in the post.