Taylor Swift’s Squad Responds to Kanye West’s Offensive Lyrics and Twitter Rant

There were plenty of noteworthy moments at Yeezy Season 3 but there’s one in particular that stood out in everyone’s minds. With The Life of Pablo blasting in the background of his fashion show, the world first heard Kanye’s new song referencing Taylor Swift.

On the song Famous, Kanye raps, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex, I made that bitch famous.” WHAT. As if Kanye didn’t offend Taylor enough when he intercepted her award (an act he later apologized for profusely), he’s back at it again with a round of demeaning and misogynistic lyrics.

The line immediately sparked backlash across the Internet with Taylor’s best friends and family speaking up the loudest. Her brother posted a video on Instagram throwing out a pair of Yeezy sneakers with the caption, “Spring cleaning.”


Getting a head start on some spring cleaning. Here we go again.

A video posted by Austin Swift (@austinkingsleyswift) on

Ouch. Taylor’s BFFs, Gigi Hadid and Jaime King, who both happened to be at the show, tweeted their support:

Even Taylor Swift’s publicist spoke out on her behalf, telling Buzzfeed News, “Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single ‘Famous’ on her Twitter account. She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, ‘I made that bitch famous.'”

None of this phases Kanye. He took to Twitter to rant about the backlash, explaining that Taylor came up with the lyrics herself. We’re serious:

Oh, that explains it. Insert sarcasm. We’re pretty sure Taylor Swift is just as outraged as the rest of us. And we’re counting down the days to Kanye’s inevitable apology tour.


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