Link Buzz: New York Times Responds to Serena Williams Body Shaming Article, Nicolette Mason Gets Her Own Collection

  • The New York Times is backtracking a bit on the article they ran about Serena Williams’ beautifully muscular body. [NYT]
  • Legendary model Iman on how her days as a brown girl in fashion helped inspire her successful cosmetics line. [V Magazine]
  • 50 Cent filed for bankruptcy and no, we’re not going to make a joke about him having only 50 cent to his name. [WSJ]
  • Fox is finally going to make Duff beer a real thing. [Grubstreet]
  • Jennifer Hudson is New York & Co.’s latest face. [WWD]
  • MIA just released a new short film set to music and there is a lot of sword spinning and rapid foot moving. [EW]
  • Nicolette Mason is teaming up with Addition Elle on a new dress collection. [@additionelle]