Swarovski Unveils This Season’s Collective with Instagram Shorts


#creaturesofthewind #FW15 @official_swarovski and @craigandkarl #swarovskicollective

A video posted by CREATURES OF THE WIND (@creaturesofthewind) on

Artists Craig & Karl were tapped to create a short for Tim Coppens and Creatures of the Wind, utilizing their bold, graphic aesthetic to produce a kaleidoscopic piece that’s positively hypnotizing. Jenny Walton teamed with Wes Gordon and Misha Nonoo, recording herself doing marker sketches of some of their designs before festooning her work with fabric.

Check out a few of the videos and get excited to see the collections fully realized once they hit the runway this month.


Excited to be part of #FW15 #SwarovskiCollective | huge thanks @craigandkarl and @official_swarovski

A video posted by TIM COPPENS (@timcoppens) on
