Kiera Knightley Has Ruined Her Chanel Wedding Dress


Kiera Knightley has revealed that her beautiful prized Chanel wedding gown is now unwearable after being covered in red wine.

Following the revelation that British singer Lily Allen didn’t even know where her bespoke Chanel wedding dress was last week, this kind of news doesn’t come as a surprise anymore, but maybe these British beauties should be taking a bit more care of their Chanel.

Speaking to The Telegraph, actress Knightley spoke of her love for the strapless tulle Chanel mini dress that she had previously worn many times before her marriage to James Righton of UK indie band The Klaxons. “Karl [Lagerfeld] very kindly designed me a jacket to go with it. I’d worn the dress lots. It was my something old. And I liked not making a big deal about it. I just wanted to be in something I had had a great time in, something I would have a great time in again.”

However, whilst the marriage seems to be going really well, the dress has not fared so well and Knightley told the newspaper how she can no longer wear her favourite item. “It’s now got red wine spilled down the front because the last time I wore it my friend went like this…” — she juts out her elbows — “…and now it’s everywhere. I didn’t quite realise the extent of it until I got home. It’s quite impressively splattered. But, hey, a good night is a good night and when a dress has had its time, maybe it’s had its time.”

Whilst we would probably have a heart attack if that happened to our Chanel, it is quite refreshing that Ms. Knightley is so relaxed about it, and obviously still adores the dress anyway.
