The Anonymous Reddit Model Has Come Forward with Terry Richardson Allegations

Following a strong response to her disturbing anonymous account of posing nude for Terry Richardson, Charlotte Waters has come forward with her story publicly, in an interview with Now a 24-year-old nurse’s assistant living in Los Angeles (Richardson photographed her when she was a 19-year-old NYC art student), Waters had experience posing nude for artists like Richard Kern and Ron English, but nothing had prepared her for what happened when she visited Richardson’s studio.

She says that she was compelled to share her story because she kept seeing press about Richardson which was all vague rumors and allegations: “I wanted to say, ‘Hey, I’ve experienced this first hand. These aren’t just rumors.’  But I wasn’t sure I wanted to come out about this very embarrassing thing I did, so I was just sitting on it for a while. And then I realized that what happened to me is something that has happened to other people and will likely continue to happen until his dick falls off, so I have to say something. I did it through Reddit because I could do it anonymously, and that seemed like a safe way to start.”

The full interview: “Oh My God, What’s Happening?” Up Close and Personal With a Terry Richardson Model [via]

Read more: How Can We Get Big Brands to Stop Working With Terry Richardson? [Updated]



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