Spice Girls Hit ‘Wannabe’ Just Got a Powerful Feminist Remake

The massive ’90s hit Wannabe by the Spice Girls is all over the internet 20 years after its initial release, but this time it’s delivering an even more powerful message to women worldwide.

Charity Project Everyone is an independent United Nations supported coalition that strives to bring about positive change on a global level, including ending violence against women and fighting for equal rights. Through this remake and super high energy new video, the charity wants to let our world leaders know just what modern day women really, really want.

The video was launched along with Project Everyone’s The Global Goals website. In the video messages are spelt out on buses, in classrooms, and held up on on signs, stating what women really, really want, like to “end violence against girls” and “quality education for all girls”.

The video invites women from all over the globe to tweet an image of themselves holding a sign that states what they want to happen to improve the lives of women, using the hashtag #WhatIReallyReallyWant. These statements will be presented at the United Nations General Assembly in September this year.

Victoria Beckham AKA Posh Spice has shared the video, strongly supporting the song’s new found purpose.

193 world leaders agreed to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development last year, so Project Everyone will be demanding their support, with an aim to end poverty and solve the problem of climate change by 2030.

Celebs from all over the world are featured in the video, including Brit girl band M.O., Canadian dancer Taylor Hatala, Larsen Thompson from the US, South Africa’s Gigi Lamayne and Monoea, and Sri Lankan Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez, among others.

MJ Delaney, the director of the video explains: “This is about modern day girl power… The Spice Girls were about a group of different women joining together and being stronger through that bond.”

“These differences are what we want to celebrate in this film, while showing there are some universal things that all girls, everywhere, really, really want.”


Posh has also tweeted what she really, really wants:

Mel C AKA Sporty Spice has also shared the love:

Baby Spice is also excited about the remake, sharing the video on twitter and stating “always supporting”. Even Jamie Oliver is getting involved:

Director Richard Curtis (Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’ Diary) was also involved with the remake, and he states: “This year we’re keeping up the noise and going deeper… trying to show how the [global] goals contain the answers to the world’s problems… From the refugee crisis to disease, humanitarian disasters to terrorism and war. And especially focussing on the incredible importance of progress in the area of girls and women. Global goals for global girls.

“I was a huge Spice Girls fan. We decided to use the original and best girl-power anthem to remind world leaders that these goals need to deliver for girls — and to invite people everywhere to share a picture of what they really, really want to see to get equality for girls and women.”

See some of the things women really, really want below:
