Beauty Report: Satin Skin and Foiled Foreheads at Simone Rocha

As we head into Milan, we’re choosing to remember London for its more colorful personalities, but behind the mania there is always method and that’s exactly what we love about this look from Simone Rocha Fall 2014. Now you might be thinking we’ve gone mad, but before you take the gold leaf to your face, instead see this look for its parts rather than the sum. The face, by MAC Cosmetics’ Sam Bryant, may be mostly bare, but it’s polished and perfected in a way that could easily slip into mask-zone if done improperly. We love the rich, satiny texture of the skin and shimmering highlights. So instead of writing this look off as another London designer gone slightly insane (crazy, bright eyes at Thomas Tait, anyone?), try rocking some awesome braids, dew up your skin and come out like a Neo-Victorian boss. 

