This show was comprised of up-and-comers Ashley Williams, Claire Barrow and Ryan Lo, and was a clear indicator that Fashion…
Author (Page 43)
Leave it to the Brits to make street style a real art—individuality reigns supreme.
This spring collection felt subdued for van der Ham, even considering multiple dresses with several major components, including sheer cut-outs.…
This show is a testament to Moralioğlu pushing his own boundaries and leaving his colorful comfort zone—a clear visual sign…
Leave it to Christopher Kane, the one and only, to make a floral for spring that felt truly fresh.
This fall, shoe designers are giving us all sorts of cut-out options, from cool moto-inspired booties to really elegant grown-up…
That Katrantzou is able to make clothing that is both astonishingly pretty and also challenging is a total feat, and…
Topshop Unique's spring collection is seemingly angling for the average Topshop customer's slightly older sister—who should have enough dough to…
Overall a fairly "weird" collection, but one that should please the progressive Anderson demographic: the gutsy woman willing to try…
The LBD isn't so much of a trend as it is a wardrobe staple—something applicable every season, no matter the…
"Should've been a real cover."
"They wildly overspent on this, I fear."
What were your favorite designers doing during the Nazi occupation of France?
"Witnessed a funeral here."