Finally! 37 Plus-Size Fashion Sites That Don’t Suck

Plus-size fashion has come a long way from the days when three black dresses in a dingy corner of a department store were our best options. Today, a growing number of brands are investing in sizes up to 34 and it’s paying off. In 2016, the plus-size market generated a whopping $20.4 billion. About time, right?

When asked how she felt about the phenomenon, top model Candice Huffine told Vogue, “It’s exciting, and what is being offered is exactly what we’ve been asking for, for years. One thing I do want to encourage, though, is a ‘the more, the merrier’ mentality—more brands, more options, better shopping experiences. There can never be too many clothing brands providing fashion for the curvy woman. I think it’s been made quite clear that she, the plus woman, loves being current, chic, and relevant when it comes to her wardrobe and style, so I can only just encourage, inspire, request that more brands join in. She is ready to shop.”

Question is, are you? Click on the gallery above for 37 game-changing plus-size fashion sites.

[ Next: 10 Plus-Size Fashion Rules to Break NOW ]


