Ethereal fairy princess Sasha Luss worked with the so-called Pied Piper of the art world, photographer Ryan McGinley, on a new series of ads for the Dior Addict fragrance. The verdict: “I’m missing the Liberty Ross Addict commercial right now…so much more memorable and well conceptualized. We’ll all forget this Sasha Luss campaign by tomorrow.” [Forums]
Personally I think your underarms are lovely and perfect exactly as they are, but if you really want to lighten them, I won’t stand in your way. Go forth, click links, shop products, eliminate perceived imperfections. [BellaSugar]
I live in a tiny room cluttered with towering stacks of books. The Worn Archive is another one I might add to the piles. [Styleite]
The Kate Moss Topshop launch was a total agoraphobia-inducing mob scene. [FabSugar]
Pulitzer Prize-winning fashion critic Robin Givhan will return to The Washington Post. [WashPost]
The designers behind Dolce & Gabbana have been found guilty on tax charges but aren’t headed to jail, due to a loophole in Italy’s sentencing laws. [WWD]
- A journalist was accidentally included on an internal email at H&M, discussing press coverage of the Rana Plaza disaster. [France24]