“Wonderful news!” exclaimed littlepaperstars. “I’m really pleased for her and Caleb. I suppose it explains all the pics of her cooing over Flynn with Miranda [Kerr] haha! What do they put in the water backstage at the VS shows? All the girls last year and now Ale and Lily. Wowsers!”
Miniris was excited about the news of the pregnancy, but was thinking like a true Victoria’s Secret fan. “This might also mean that Lily will be able to walk for VSFS if she gives birth at the beginning of the summer. Does anyone know how far along she is?” she asked.
Lily is supposedly three months along at this point, but if she doesn’t end up walking in next year’s lingerie bonanza of a Victoria’s Secret fashion show, then I can’t say I would mind. No one needs that kind pressure right after having a baby. But, these women seem to be superhuman, so maybe it’s no pressure at all.
Image: victoriassecret.com via the Fashion Spot forums.