David Beckham Designs Bodywear for H&M

Soccer star David Beckham is launching a bodywear line for H&M, which will be available at 1,800 stores internationally in February 2012. Beckham might be following in his wife’s footsteps with his foray into fashion, but the accessible, mass line might as well exist in a universe light years away from Victoria Beckham‘s high-fashion collections. H&M’s Head of Design, Ann-Sofie Johansson, promises that “Valentine’s Day in 2012 is going to be a very exciting time indeed,” as if all the excitement about Beckham’s new line will spill over into our romantic lives. Despite the fact that Beckham’s fit bod is proof enough that the soccer star knows bodies, I’m not quite sure what I’m supposed to get excited about. H&M didn’t release any details about the nature of the offerings: is Beckham designing Spanx for men? Yoga pants? Temperature-controlled briefs? Tattooed biceps?

The promo image (above) doesn’t betray any hints, but it definitely makes me want to buy whatever it is that David Beckham’s selling. But only because he’s really attractive: the logo isn’t a good advertisement for his design skills.
