apply until casting closes on July 29.
Interested? Model entrants must be female and between the ages of 16 and 34. No professional photos are required. Photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists, and wardrobe stylists must be able to show their work online. All who meet the aforementioned requirements are welcome toAt the end of the casting, Face On will put possible candidates “on hold” for further consideration. From those candidates, a model, photographer, makeup artist, hair stylist, and wardrobe stylist will be selected for the editorial spread, a guaranteed cover try. Further, each of the selected participants will receive professional tear sheets and a gift bag with Elizabeth Grant skincare products
As a bonus, there are popular vote prizes: every entrant that receives at least 500 votes by the end of the casting will receive a one year Plus Membership for Explore Modeling and the 10 models with the most votes at the end of the contest will each receive a skincare product package from Elizabeth Grand and an annual subscription to Face On Magazine. As an incentive to vote, anyone who votes is eligible to win a one-year subscription to Face On Magazine. The more times you vote, the better your chance of winning are as every vote cast is another entry into a random, weighted drawing to win.
For more details, visit exploremodeling.com